Gabe Grifoni

Gabe Grifoni

Innovating the future of supply chain technology

DUAL INFLUENCES. Gabe Grifoni has always had an eye for innovation and a fascination with creating something from nothing. A self-professed nerd in high school with a love for Back to the Future and a passion for science, Gabe’s curiosity and drive have shaped a varied and fascinating career. Today, he is the CEO and co-founder of Rufus Labs, a company revolutionizing the supply chain industry with its advanced connected operator platform, WorkHero.

Gabe’s upbringing was split between the hustle and bustle of the Upper East Side of New York and the rural tranquility of Florence, where he spent time in the mountains, collecting sheep droppings for fertilizer and picking berries with his grandmother. This blend of urban sophistication and rustic simplicity planted the seeds for his innovative spirit. “It really instilled a lot of patience in me,” Gabe recalls. “It takes 10 years for a fruit tree to really start to bear fruit. That taught me to appreciate the long-term process of growth and innovation.”

Gabe’s early exposure to logistics came from working in his grandfather’s hardware store, unloading and restocking inventory. His love for science led him to study computer engineering at Lehigh University. However, unsure of his career path, he also pursued business and marketing. Post-graduation, Gabe ventured into television production, acting, and writing for Universal Television, Comedy Central, Disney, and others. His experiences in entertainment, where he wrote for and acted in various shows and commercials, helped him hone his ability to pitch ideas and work collaboratively—ultimately teaching him true resilience

A LEAP INTO THE UNKNOWN. In 2013, Gabe founded Rufus Labs, initially focusing on consumer hardware. His first product, a widescreen wearable device, caught the attention of major companies like Walmart. This unexpected interest led Gabe to pivot Rufus Labs toward the logistics industry. “We built a solution that everyone needed during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Gabe explains. “Our technology optimizes labor and enhances worker visibility, making supply chains more efficient.”

As a leader, Gabe prioritizes the happiness of both his customers and his team. His LGBTQIA+ identity and experience as a dad have profoundly influenced his approach. “Success for me is happy customers and a team that feels valued,” he says. “Our diverse team brings different perspectives, which is crucial for innovation.” Gabe’s role as a father has also shaped his leadership style. “I involve my son in my work,” he shares. “He comes to the lab and plays with circuits. It teaches him about science and technology, and it reminds me to be patient and compassionate with my team.”

Today, Rufus Labs is at the forefront of transforming the supply chain industry with AI and wearable technology. Gabe envisions a future where humans and robots work seamlessly together, enhancing efficiency and safety in warehouses. “Our AI platform can give suggestions on how to improve operations,” he says. “It’s about creating a dance between humans and machines.”

Reflecting on his journey, Gabe advises aspiring founders to embrace persistence. “The entertainment industry prepared me for constant rejection,” he notes. “As a founder, you’re going to hear ‘no’ a lot. But if you believe in your vision, you have to keep pushing through.” Resilience, Gabe says, is tested hardest when faced with daunting challenges. “When you’re at the edge of the abyss, it’s a unique and scary experience. But you have to get through it because that’s where growth happens.”