Chris Rhodes

Chris Rhodes

From curiosity to a cellular health revolution

SCIENTIFIC ROOTS. Chris Rhodes credits his parents for instilling in him a fascination with science and fostering a well-rounded upbringing. “Both of my parents are PhDs in analytical chemistry,” he says. “I was born and bred to be a scientist, and now I am the CEO of a biotechnology company. There are a lot of other things that go into being a CEO, other than just doing science.” This comprehensive approach to life shaped Chris’s journey and the foundation of his company, Mimio Health.

Mimio Health, a nutraceutical company, has pioneered the world’s first fasting mimetic supplement. Designed from clinical research, it replicates the cellular health benefits of fasting without requiring actual fasting. Mimio’s vision is to combat dietary and age-associated chronic inflammation and cellular damage, allowing customers to potentially live longer, healthier lives.

Growing up in Pennsylvania before moving to the Bay Area as a teenager, Chris experienced a blend of rural and suburban life. His parents encouraged curiosity and experimentation, resulting in science fair projects that went beyond the typical baking soda volcanoes. Alongside his scientific pursuits, Chris was also immersed in creativity, learning to play the piano, participating in theater, and composing music.

This multifaceted approach continued into his college years at Loyola Marymount University, where he majored in biochemistry. The university’s focus on undergraduate research allowed Chris to dive into lab work from his freshman year, gaining varied research experience that paved the way for his future endeavors.

Chris’s journey into aging and longevity science began during an immunology fellowship at Stanford. There, he delved into rheumatoid arthritis research and discovered a passion for healthy aging and longevity. “I came across fasting, which is one of the few ways known to reliably extend lifespan and treat, prevent, or delay most major diseases,” Chris explains. This discovery ignited his quest to understand how fasting triggers regenerative processes in the body and whether these benefits could be replicated without actual fasting.

His pursuit led him to UC Davis, where he conducted a 60-hour fast on himself to study its effects. “I saw dramatic changes in plasma functionality and cell behavior,” Chris notes. “My plasma became more anti-inflammatory, more antioxidant, and more cardioprotective.” This self-experimentation laid the groundwork for a larger clinical study, where he identified key molecules responsible for these benefits.

REVOLUTIONIZING LONGEVITY. Chris and his team discovered a synergistic combination of four molecules that could replicate fasting’s beneficial effects without the need to fast. This breakthrough, coupled with a lifespan extension analysis in model organisms, demonstrated the potential of these molecules to double their lifespan. “We realized this discovery could have a real and impactful practical application,” Chris says.

Transitioning from research to commercialization, Chris co-founded Mimio Health. He credits programs like UC Davis’s Venture Catalyst and IndieBio for equipping him with the necessary skills to lead a biotechnology company. “IndieBio accelerated our growth,” Chris explains. “Suddenly, it wasn’t just me and my co-founder Angela Zivkovic; we had resources and guidance to turn our discovery into a product.”

As an LGBTQIA+ founder and scientist, Chris acknowledges that the science space is progressive, yet neutral regarding LGBTQIA+ representation. “Science is very analytical and merit-based, which is great, but it’s also not particularly uplifting for underrepresented communities,” he observes.

While building out Mimio, Chris says his experiences have shaped his empathetic and inclusive approach to growing the company. “We look beyond privilege and embrace the uniqueness of individuals,” he says. “To other founders in this area, remember, your personality is your superpower. Embrace your uniqueness and be absolutely who you are. That’s what will make you shine and carry you through.”